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admin March 31, 2017

El Chapo causing casualties While in jail?


While infamous drug lord El Chapo has been extradited to the United States, He is still causing deaths in Mexico. Since el Chapo has been Arrested, that has left a huge void for someone to take his place in power. It has been a bloody battle so far, and will continue on.


Pakistani Car Bombing:


In the city of Parachinar, a Car exploded and killed over 24 people. Also injuring +70 others. The sedan packed with explosives was parked on the side of a street next to a Mosque.A terrorist organization associated with the Taliban has since taken responsibility for the attack.


North Korean Nuclear Drama:


The United States Defense Chief Stated earlier this week, “North Korea needs to be stopped.” North Korea’s nuclear program is picking up steam, and could soon threaten world powers with an Attack.


Church shooter pleads guilty:


The Church shooter, Dylann Roof plead guilt to state murder in hopes of avoiding the death sentence. Dylann took the lives of nine black church goers in June 2015. A friend of Dylann Roof also received a 27-month jail sentence for not reporting the crime, and lying to the FBI.


Planned Parenthood STING Operation:


Two reporters secretly videotaped a Planned Parenthood official where they discuss the price of aborted baby appendages. There could potentially be fifteen felony charges against Planned Parenthood after this incident.











“Stay Informed on Top Stories, National Events, Leaders and Politics with the U.S. Section of Google News.” Google News. N.p., n.d. Web. 31 Mar. 2017.

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